perjantai 24. helmikuuta 2017


 I have always been shy especially with boys. I'm just super insecure and i'm always afraid that i'll embarrass myself in front of others. But now i have a crush and that crush happens to be on the same class as me. He is super funny and i think that we have a connection. I'm still really scared that it's just in my imagination, u know?  That it's just all in my head because i want the connection to be real. When we talk he always looks straight into my eyes. But i don't know if it's just normal for him to always look into peoples eyes.  All of my friends have been like '' say something to him '' and believe me i want to but i'm afraid that if he doesn't like me that we won't be the same again and i don't want to lose our friend ship. Anyways i came up with a little plan how i can get more information his feeling towards me. We have these dances in our school that when the second grades became the oldest in our school, they have to dance. It's a tradition. So we have to dance next year and i was thinking that i'll ask him to be my partner. Very genius plan! 😈    The hard part is to ask him.

 School is literally tearing me apart. I have still so two books to read (the first one is already late 😅).  The second book is about 400 pages long 😊. Well i'm trying to get them done ASAP. We just had our test week and it went pretty bad but it's okay i think. Those subjects don't matter to me that much. I'm trying to get my ship together for these last months. Then it's summer vacation and relaxing! Well for a little while anyways because summer job. Oh well i get money out of it so it's worth it right?

                                     Kuvahaun tulos haulle study