sunnuntai 5. maaliskuuta 2017

Eramus week

So today started our Erasmus week. That means that there are coming 25 students from Germany, Slovakia, Northern Ireland, Spain and Italy. They arrived today and i have a Slovakian girl named Marianna. She is actually Hungarian and belongs to the minority in Slovakia. I was and still am really nervous that what am i going to do with her because she is leaving on Saturday and literally there is nothing to do here. Hopefully we will figure something our during the week. It will be interesting to see what will happen.  So for this week we won't be going to any regular classes so i won't spent any time with my friends or my crush. That's pretty sad but it's worth it.
    I FINALLY got the book report done for our Finnish class. It was to do like two week ago 😅 now i'm just waiting for our teacher to review it. We also got to know what grades did we get from the last period. I got 9 from Psychology and 8 from Philosophy. I'm really proud of those two but then i got a 7 from History and 6 from our health class. But it's okay i can't be good at everything.
   I have been sober for three months now and last Friday i got really drunk. We were celebrating our friends birthday. It was really fun but my friends were arguing ( they are in a relationship ) and my friend was crying and i don't know why but i got upset about it and i called my other friend for comfort and i told her not to say anything to anyone because i was drunk. Long story short my friend sent me a text asking me about it and she just wanted to tell me how she felt and i totally understood. From this moment on i promised her that i won't tell stuff forward to anybody. Because i don't want her to lose her trust in me.

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