maanantai 13. huhtikuuta 2015

I forgot this O.O

    Well hello there stranger! Long time no see!... Ou I'm so sorry! I have almost forgotten this blog. But now i promise that i will write more! I PROMISE! So I'm gonna tell you what has been going on. So HERE WE GO!

   So Autumn was really bark and muddy. I though about Joni a lot. And at one day he just came to me and just started talking to me on Skype...  i was like... Bitch you know how u talking to? But then BOOM! And at some point he just stopped talking to me... Weird but good... for me though : D

  Ah me love the winter time. So much snow, Christmas <3 So at school we had our
independence days dance and it wasn't that bad because i got to dance with this one gay that is super cute <3 And no this time it's not Joni or any one like that : D   But yea and that day i felt pretty :3 In the Christmas holidays My sister from Helsinki came to visit. She was here about 2 weeks. We had so much fun :3 And i was happy because the whole family was back home <3  So then came New Years eve. It was an awesome night. I was drunk and my mom let me be out side until 1 am! It was the best New Years eve. EVER!

  So this spring has been better by school things. And i have almost forgotten Joni. Just almost. Last Friday i found out that he had called me a whore. And now i want to know why. After i know why i think then. Just then i can lay him to rest. And never thing of that bastard again. And i have been also drunk sometimes :D It was fan but this one time i was kissing with this one guy i don't even like.  -.- Stupid me... But yea. I think i'll be writing more stuff here. S see you soon :3  BYE!

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