torstai 3. syyskuuta 2015

Drugs? :/

     Okay what the fuck? Where did the summer go? Just like a few days ago here was warm and the sun was shining and we were on the beach. It was so much fun! And then suddenly school started and it started raining and it got real cold real fast. And now it's practically autumn. It's so weird. So i forgot to tell u guys what happened in these few weeks.
     So on summer time there was this thing going on that practically everyone in our group wanted to try drugs. And a few of our friends had some weed or something. And so it started. First it was just a few of our friends how tried it but suddenly there was a lot of people trying out. And one of them was me. And last week on Tuesday. Our friend got caught. And so the police and everyone else u know, started to take testes on her friends. Us. And some people had like smoked a week ago ( back then ) but me and her and a few friends had smoked like on Monday. And we were so stressed out by this. Many of my friends had to go to those testes but i didn't. Yet i mean but still. I was so lucky. But i also told my parents about it. But they weren't so mad about it. And i was so glad about it. So now my friends (the only one how got caught ) she is grounded but she gets to came out again next week <3 I'm so glad!! But i learned also about this thing. I will not go anywhere near drugs. I swear. This has been so awful. But yeah. That was it. I'll talk with you guys later. Bye :3

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