sunnuntai 4. syyskuuta 2016


     So our school has started and i'm already so done with it. I mean it's not that hard ( yet ) but still. Our normal day starts at 8.30 and end at 16.00. And i'm always just so tired after a long day like that and in this schedule we end at 12.55 on every Monday. So that's not so bad, but the thing that makes it extra hard is that i don't see my friends every brake or at lunch. And i don't know why but it's like extra hard for me right now. I miss them so much like every day even though i know that i will see them after school but i still miss them every day. But the thing that has made me so happy this weekend was that my ( male ) best friend is happy now. Like two weeks ago he wasn't happy at all. He was so angry and so frustrated and he just wasn't happy and i tried to help him but he just didn't want help and he just didn't care. He like had some problems with his family and so on. And i hadn't seen him in all week until last Friday. And when i saw him  he just smiled. He came to me and smiled and hugged me. I was so happy, i almost started crying!  The last time i saw him that happy was months ago. But the reason why he is so happy. It's a girl. One of my friends and okay yeah i like her she is cool but there is one problem. She has just told us that she has like '' a thing '' going on with 6 DIFFERENT GUYS. So i have said to my friends that yeah i don't trust her because she has 6 different guys and she has a thing going on with my best friend. I'm just scared the she will just throw him into a wall and bee like yeah i don't like you anymore. Because as i said he has been having some troubles with everything and he has said to me that no one else cares about him except for me and his brother. And he has said to me that he finds it really hard to find the happy thing in life. So now that he is happy  i'm just scared because i don't want  him to go to that bad place again where he doesn't seem to find any happiness. So this girl heard what i had said about her, that i don't trust her. She came to me and said that i don't have to be worried that he is special. But she didn't say anything about the six other guys that has she stopped talking to them?  She just said to me that like he is spacial. And i know that he is. That's why i'm scared, that's why he is my best friend.    I just want him to be happy and enjoy the life that he has. And if she does something to  him   i swear that i will do something bad.    Anyways that was the thing that i wanted to get of my chest. Thanks

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