torstai 28. heinäkuuta 2016

Reborn problems?

     This is a story that i wanna share with you guys. So last summer was the best summer ever. We had so much fun and we were all happy. But there was a reason why we were always so happy. Our group started using   drugs. And no i'm not proud of it but i mean it was fun at that time. Long story short  on of our friends got caught  and after that our group wasn't involved in drugs until this summer. So couple of  our friends started acting weird and we knew that they were using again but at that time they did't hang out with us so much. Then one of our friends friend came here from another town. And that's kinda how it started again  BUT this time  i wasn't involved! And i'm proud of myself. Because there has been so many times that i have been so close to ask if i could join them. One of our newest friends joined them too and we girls were so angry at him because he was such a sweet and young boy and we didn't want him to go with them  but he did. I mean yeah  it' his own decision but still. Last Saturday when i was alone with the boys  they were like smoking and they were so high. Then on of my closest friends came there and yeah she was a bit drunk but she started to yell at the guys and me. She said some mean things that she shamed the next morning but she also did good because the young sweet boy of ours hasn't touched drugs since   or so he said.  But  i just wanna believe him  and i'm so prod of him.
    In other news  next week is gonna be the  last week at work and i'm so happy!  I'm so tired of the work  it's so exhausting. And tomorrow  i have a day off and i'm so happy about that too because today i was out with my friends and we had so much fun and i did't have to watch to clock all the time! We were out hunting Pokémon's  for like two hours and we found Pikachu! We were all so hyped! It's was so much fun.  And  i just noticed that at the moment   everything is okay. I just yesterday did like a real end to my '' relationship '' with the boy who did more bad to me than good. I just said that i don't wanna talk to him in any forms and i said that i don't even want us to have a streak on Snapchat. Okay i may had taken it too far but still. And everything is just good. Hope you have a great day!

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