tiistai 30. toukokuuta 2017


    Now that my first year in collage is almost over, me and my sister have been talking a lot about my future.  Right now my carrier choice is a psychiatrist and especially for the young people. I think that teens my age and younger have bad psychical health. I think the psychiatrists these days, especially in schools don't understand teens or what they need. They just sit face-to-face with each other in a white, distressing room and the school psychiatrist just tries to make the kid talk. They should make them feel safe, understood and comfortable . That's why i think that the psychiatrists should be younger so that they could /might really relate to what the teens are going through with there lives because even if it feel like a little issue to an adult, it can feel very pressuring for the teen.  Very little things can feel major to us young people.

 So there's a little inside of my future and my '' right now '' carrier choice. I'm really nervous. It's the last week of school and i start my work next Monday. Outdoor working from 6am to 4pm except for Fridays i get of at 2pm. This shit for six weeks... I know i should be grateful for even getting a summer job but i'd just like a little bit of vacation in between of school and work. Well life is life and next year i'll be 18 so i can get even more / better job opportunity's.

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