perjantai 27. kesäkuuta 2014

          Okay today i was with my friend Iida and we just got fat and watched movies : D  And it was really fun : )   But a few days ago me and couple of friends started hang out with these two boys. And since that day we have hang out with them and there friend and then my friend Emmi told me one day that this one boy Ben walked her home. And then we thought right away that he liked  Emmi because... he just act like he liked her. So then last night i went out with Emmi because she wanted to smoke : /   Ans yes i do smoke sometimes, not everyday but yea often. And then she told me that Ben started to talk with her on Facebook. And then Ben was with us and we went to this one park near our houses. And i was not really like enjoying it. It felt like i was the third wheel : /  Witch was pretty awkward. But now Emmi and her little sister Emilia have gone home ( there grandmother lives here. Actually they live in Lapinjärvi ) and Iida is going to tallinna tomorrow and i'm gonna be all alone tomorrow but Emmi and Emilia said that they would get back to Loviisa on Saturday. So... That's it i ques. So see you soon my mushrooms <3   Ou jea  and one thing  i think i kind of  like Ben a bit... I don't know... yea but see you later. Byee!!


perjantai 6. kesäkuuta 2014

                        So summer is here!! And it's awesome <3  So what has happend in this little town?   Nothing.   Just nothing... But two days ago my really good friend Nea sent me a text that was like a voice messege and i heard my friends Tim's ( Tixu )  voice and he said that he liked me and that we are together. And i was like what O.O. Because i have a little crush on Tixu but it's not that big. But still.  And so i thought that yea this is a prank. But then Nea started asking that aren't you happy and do you wanna be with him. And i was like ok i'm so gonna humiliate my self but fuck that so i said like yea sure. I thought that Nea would say like haahaa this was a prank haahaa or something but the answer was aaw  i'm so happy for you aaw... I was like what the fuck just happend? O.O   I thought that i just should talk to Tixu. So i just asked him that hey listen what happend today.. was it a prank? And he just said straight that yes all of it was a prank... Ok that wasn't a surprise but then i talk to Nea like why did you do that to me  and she was like what and then we figure out that Tixu tricked us both... And we where a bit mad but that's what happend and what's done is done and i canät do nothing about that now but that doesn't bother me anymore : )  Now i'm just gonna relax and take it easy and just be like fuck everything : )  So that's that for this week my little mushrooms : 3  See you next week C:

sunnuntai 1. kesäkuuta 2014

            All the kids run out from school because summer is here!! So our summer vacation started yesterday but it doesn't feel like it : D  Amm right now it haven't been really hot it has been like warm. But it should get warmer in the end of this week. And I hope that i could go swimming this week : )   I have all really swimed this summer but it was really really cold then. So  I hope that the watter will get warmer soon. Amm at this point nothing has happend. Like everything is normal. At one point I thought that my friend at school where mad at me but then it was like... I thought that they where mad at me and they thought that i was mad at them  : D  And it was pretty wierd then but then we talked and everything was fine : )  And i was so happy about that. So about Joni and Krisse... Nothing. My sister is always asking me about those two but when I tell something about them she just says like  just don't give them any attention, don't make eye contacts with them, don't talk to them, be just like they are never there. And I did that in school and it really helped me at that point. I think that Krisse is trying to like bee friendly with us girls but she isn't doing where good job. When i had my birthday ( 29th of May ) she posted on my facebook wall like happy birthday but no smily face no nothing. Just happy birthday. And I thought that she gould have put even one smily face in that poste. But no so i just said like thanks. So... That was kind of awkward.  So at Saturday we had our spring festival. And in the morning my lovely other sister came and did my hair. Then I didn't feel really good. I almost throw up. But my sister made me a toast and she made me eat it : D  But after that i felt really good : )  So I was really thankful for her  : )      So everything went well and everything is ok at here : )  So stay strong my little mashromes :3