perjantai 6. kesäkuuta 2014

                        So summer is here!! And it's awesome <3  So what has happend in this little town?   Nothing.   Just nothing... But two days ago my really good friend Nea sent me a text that was like a voice messege and i heard my friends Tim's ( Tixu )  voice and he said that he liked me and that we are together. And i was like what O.O. Because i have a little crush on Tixu but it's not that big. But still.  And so i thought that yea this is a prank. But then Nea started asking that aren't you happy and do you wanna be with him. And i was like ok i'm so gonna humiliate my self but fuck that so i said like yea sure. I thought that Nea would say like haahaa this was a prank haahaa or something but the answer was aaw  i'm so happy for you aaw... I was like what the fuck just happend? O.O   I thought that i just should talk to Tixu. So i just asked him that hey listen what happend today.. was it a prank? And he just said straight that yes all of it was a prank... Ok that wasn't a surprise but then i talk to Nea like why did you do that to me  and she was like what and then we figure out that Tixu tricked us both... And we where a bit mad but that's what happend and what's done is done and i canät do nothing about that now but that doesn't bother me anymore : )  Now i'm just gonna relax and take it easy and just be like fuck everything : )  So that's that for this week my little mushrooms : 3  See you next week C:

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